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Causes And Treatments For Tooth Sensitivity

A sudden surge of unbearable pain in your teeth when you eat or drink something hot or cold is known as tooth sensitivity. Some people experience the same discomfort while brushing or flossing but happen to ignore it as a one-off thing.

The pain may be transient, but it can become a common occurrence if it has an underlying cause that can harm the teeth. Thus, getting your teeth examined when you experience tooth sensitivity is imperative. Sometimes the pain can last longer than you expect and may affect more than one tooth.

It is also known as dentin hypersensitivity and occurs as a response to exposed roots of the teeth towards hot and cold temperatures. Let us help you understand the causes of this oral problem and its treatments.

Causes of Tooth Sensitivity

The upper part of our teeth above the gums is protected by a hard substance called enamel, and the part below it is covered by cementum. These layers protect the inner layer of dentine, which consists of tiny canals called dentine tubules.

The canals are connected to the pulp or nerve centre. Tooth sensitivity occurs when the protective layers are damaged, and the hot and cold temperatures come in contact with the nerve centre and cause pain. A few reasons for this issue are:

  • Worn Fillings

Fillings that become old can fracture and get cracked, allowing bacteria to breed in the cracks that can impair the enamel. Visit your professional Hope Island dentist to get it replaced if you notice damage or feel sensitivity.

  • Brushing Vigorously

Brushing with extra pressure or using a toothbrush with hard bristles can lead to the wearing away of the tooth enamel. So, use a soft-bristled brush and move your brush gently to avoid tooth damage.

  • Teeth Grinding

If you have the habit of clenching your jaw often or grinding your teeth, it can cause tooth sensitivity because of damage to the enamel. You can use a mouth guard or avoid stressful situations to get rid of the problem.

  • Eating Acidic Foods Frequently

Acidic foods can erode tooth enamel and make it vulnerable to sensitivity. Thus, you should avoid sodas, lemons, kiwis, tomatoes, and pickles.

  • Using Too Much Mouthwash

Mouthwash is suitable for washing away bacteria from the mouth. However, commercial products are filled with chemicals and alcohol that can expose the dentine. Thus, warm saltwater rinsing is a better alternative to using mouthwashes.

  • Accumulation of Plaque

A sticky layer of bacteria that envelopes teeth is known as plaque. When it remains on the teeth for a long time, it hardens and becomes challenging to remove through brushing. The bacteria present in the plaque produce acid that erodes the enamel and causes tooth sensitivity. Thus, brushing twice a day is vital for optimum oral health.

  • Cracked Teeth

A cracked or chipped tooth can lead to pain while eating or brushing. Similarly, cavities or gum disease can also cause sensitivity.

Treatments For Tooth Sensitivity

Teeth sensitivity can become problematic if not addressed on time. Its treatment depends on the reason behind sensitivity. Here are the common treatments suggested by dentists in Hope Island.

  • Desensitising Toothpaste

Toothpaste manufactured to cure sensitivity can be purchased over the counter to deal with the problem. The ingredients used to make these toothpaste are potent enough to block the dentine from getting impacted by the temperature stimuli and causing pain. However, this treatment takes time and patience.

  • Use Alcohol-Free Mouthwash

Your practitioner will help you choose the correct brushing and mouth cleaning products that are not laden with chemicals or alcohol.

  • Fluoride Gel Application

A fluoride gel treatment is beneficial in strengthening the tooth enamel, which helps to restrict sensitivity.

  • Dental Crown or Bonding

If the problem is because of a broken or cracked tooth, the dentist will suggest a dental crown or bonding to cover the damaged tooth and stop the transmission of hot and cold stimuli.

  • Surgical Gum Grafting

Tooth sensitivity can also occur because of gum recession caused by gum disease, which exposes the roots of the teeth. In such cases, you need to visit a periodontist to undergo a gum graft surgery.

During this procedure, a piece of tissue is extracted from the roof of the mouth and placed at the spot of recession to cover up the thinning of gums. It is a quick process, and the patient recovers immediately.

  • Root Canal Treatment

A root canal treatment is required when a cavity has damaged the tooth and infected the canals present in the root of the tooth. It takes two appointments to complete the treatment, and it is made painless because of anaesthesia.

The endodontist drills into the infected tooth and removes the bacteria present in the canals. The top of the tooth is covered with a sealant and then a crown at the next appointment.


Sharp pain in your teeth after consuming hot, cold or sweet foods and drinks is a sign of tooth sensitivity. It is highly recommended to visit your dentist to determine the cause of the problem and get appropriate treatment.