a young girl is sad
The “Silent” Problems That May Be Going On In Your Mouth

Our mouth contains a wide range of good and bad bacteria at all times. When the amount of bad bacteria increases in the mouth, it creates an imbalance and leads to dental issues. However, every dental ailment does not come with the usual signs of shooting pain in the jaw or bleeding gums.

Sometimes they are silent and take time to rear their ugly heads. Since they go unnoticed, they often create more damage than expected, such as deep cavities that need root canal treatment.

Many believe that as long as they brush and floss regularly, they don’t need to worry about dental ailments. However, this is far from the truth. It can be hard to detect silent problems unless you visit your experienced Hope Island dentist for a check-up.

The reasons for these problems can be diverse, ranging from genetics to bad eating habits and smoking. So, you need to be vigilant to save your teeth and gums from silent problems by understanding them in detail. Here is everything you need to know about these inconspicuous problems.

1. Cavities

 Dental caries or cavities are the most common problems in our mouths and are known to cause a lot of pain. However, some cavities that do not cause pain and are not overly visible. The hidden cavities are not visible superficially when you check your mouth in the mirror as they are formed in hard-to-reach areas.

With plaque building up in a hidden pit for a long time, tooth decay becomes inevitable. Brushing cannot resolve this silent problem that keeps growing and destroys the enamel, dentin and the root of the teeth. It is essential to get your teeth examined by the dentist frequently to avoid this problem.

2. Dry Mouth

Perpetually dry mouth because of lack of saliva is known as dry mouth. It not only creates a dry feeling in the mouth and throat but also affects chewing and speaking ability. It can be caused due to medication or an underlying health issue like HIV/AIDS or diabetes.

Since no pain is involved, people often neglect this problem, resulting in a bigger ailment later. The best way to deal with dry mouth is to keep sipping water throughout the day and reduce the intake of alcohol, tobacco and caffeine.

3. Gum Disease

Gingivitis is caused by the accumulation of plaque on the gumline that leads to swelling and inflammation of the gums. It can also cause bleeding while brushing or sensitivity while consuming hard, sweet, hot and cold foods and drinks.

The primary reason for gingivitis is poor oral hygiene, but it can also be caused by tobacco consumption, diabetes and pregnancy. In some cases, gingivitis can be a silent problem because there are no apparent symptoms. Thus, it can be detected only when you visit a dentist. If left untreated, it can cause periodontitis, which damages the bone and soft tissue.

4. Thrush

Thrush is a fungal (yeast) infection that usually impacts children but can be found in adults as well. The yeast can grow in the mouth or throat and appear like white lesions on the tongue.

It is not a serious threat and can be treated with the help of antifungal medicines. It can be detected by loss of the sense of taste and redness near the corners of the mouth. In severe cases, it can lead to pain while swallowing and fever.

5. Leukoplakia

Leukoplakia is the condition where you can witness white patches on the gums, base of the mouth and insides of the cheeks. The reason behind these patches is tobacco use, which indicates early signs of cancer.

Thus, it is best to get the white patches examined by your dentist in Hope Island even if you do not feel any discomfort. Some other symptoms of Leukoplakia include lumps in the mouth, sores, pain in the ear while swallowing food and reduced ability to open the jaw.

6. Bad Breath

Halitosis or bad breath is not easily detected by the person suffering from it unless others point it out. Besides being a big turnoff, bad breath is harmful to your health. It can result from dryness in mouth, irregular brushing, acid reflux in the mouth, medication, cavities, smoking, or some infection. The presence of harmful bacteria in the mouth can also result in bad breath. It can be easily treated by maintaining an ideal brushing and flossing regimen.

7. Enamel Erosion

Another silent problem in your mouth is enamel erosion which is caused by the excessive consumption of acidic and sugary foods. Also, rigorous brushing can lead to enamel erosion. The acids present in the foods erode the enamel and make it vulnerable to staining, sensitivity and decay.

The enamel is the first defence shield of our teeth, and it cannot be regrown. Thus, it is imperative to protect tooth enamel by brushing in the correct manner and consuming a balanced diet full of nutrients and vitamins. Eliminating acidic, starchy and sweet foods is a must to maintain the optimum health of your teeth.


Dental problems are like termites attacking your teeth silently and making them hollow. You cannot ignore such threats that can lead to significant treatment expenses and pain. So, visit the dentist half yearly and brush twice daily to keep your mouth clean and healthy.