Young woman getting tooth treatment done
A Step By Step Guide To The Root Canal Process

The root canal is a common dental procedure which is done to save the tooth from severe bacterial infection, injury or inflammation. The problem can cause unbearable pain and needs to be rectified by an experienced dentist in Hope Island, who eliminates the bacteria and infection from the tooth to save it from further damage.

Advancements in technology have immensely improved the procedure, and it takes only two sessions to complete the treatment. It is directed towards saving the natural tooth and prevents new infection through the removal of the pulp, cleaning of the cavity and sealing of the tooth.

If it is left untreated, it can infect the surrounding teeth and aggravate the pain and ailment. Thus it must be treated at the earliest. Here is a step-by-step guide of the process to prepare for it appropriately.

What Does Root Canal Mean?

A root canal is a hollow space in the centre of the tooth which consists of the pulp. The nerves of the tooth are present in the root canal, which perform the sensory function of showing sensitivity towards hot and cold foods and drinks.

Since the nerve does not perform any other function, it can be removed during the root canal procedure to get rid of the infection and dead tissue. A root canal becomes necessary when the nerve tissue is destroyed due to cavities which are not treated, large fillings, an injury or chipping of the tooth.

In most of these cases, the pulp is damaged and replaced by bacteria, which causes tooth ache and swelling. Since it makes the gap in the tooth wide open, food particles get stuck in it and lead to an infection known as an abscessed tooth.

The infected tooth may sometimes develop a pus ball at the base of the tooth, which indicates that the bacterial infection has reached the tooth from the tip of the root. In some serious cases, the swelling due to the infection can spread to the face and neck, and there could be bone-loss at the end of the root.

How Is Root Canal Performed By The Dentist?

After examination of the tooth and an x-ray of the root canals, the endodontist or the dentist may prescribe a root canal treatment. It is the perfect way to alleviate the pain and get rid of the harmful bacteria. Here is a step-by-step guide to the process.

Step 1 - The dentist will numb the tooth and the adjoining gums using local anaesthesia. Then the practitioner will place a dental dam which is a rubber sheet over the tooth and punch a hole into it to work on the tooth. The placement will make sure that the affected tooth remains free from saliva and bacteria present in the mouth.

Step 2 – The next step involves drilling a hole on the top of the tooth to remove the infected pulp and the bacteria. The cleaning is done with the help of small root canal files. These files of varying diameter are inserted into the hole to reach the tip of the root and scrape off the root canals completely. The dentist will then use water or sodium hypochlorite to remove any leftover bacteria. The pulp is already dead or dying, so its elimination does not cause any harm to the tooth.

Step 3 – After the bacteria and dead nerves and tissues have been removed, and the inside of the tooth is disinfected and shaped, the dentist will fill a rubber compound called gutta percha into the tooth. Then the hole created at the beginning of the treatment is sealed with a cement filling. The patient then has to wait for the permanent crown.

Step 4 – During the next appointment. The tooth will be covered with a permanent crown. Sometimes, if the tooth is too weak, the dentist may have to put a supporting post in the root chamber to hold the crown in its place. It is vital to cover the tooth with a crown so that the tooth doesn’t get infected again or gets chipped when a hard food is crushed with it. Also, it allows the patient to use the tooth without worrying about infections or cracking.

Advantages of Root Canal Treatment

A root canal is considered beneficial because it keeps the natural tooth intact and allows comfortable chewing without the feeling of having an artificial protrusion in the mouth. It helps the patient to go back to the normal biting routine and feel the sensations.

The biggest advantage of the procedure is that it saves other teeth from getting infected and retains the natural appearance of the tooth. A root canal is a permanent solution and lasts for a lifetime without the need for a replacement or new filling.

Contrary to popular belief, it is not painful as the area is numbed by the dentist. A slight inflammation may occur after the treatment, which can be controlled with the help of a pain-relieving medicine prescribed by the dentist.


If you are in need of a root canal treatment and planning to visit a Hope Island dentist, then make sure that you do not delay the process as it can create further complications. It is a quick and comfortable procedure which can bring your tooth back to life.