Nov 13, 2023
Gums are the soft tissues that hold the tooth in place and help us smile with confidence. They are connected to the bone and provide support to the roots of the teeth. They can become infected and get damaged when the person suffers from periodontitis, leading to bone loss and falling out of the tooth.
However, it is the most extreme stage of gum disease, and the damage can be prevented. Knowing the symptoms is the best way to keep the problem at bay.
It helps to detect gum disease early and opt for the right treatment with the help of the best dentist in Hope Island. So, here is a guide on common signs of gum disease and the prescribed treatment. These tips can help you maintain the health of your gums and inform others about precautions.
Gum disease, also known as periodontitis, involves inflammation and infection of gums and the underlying bone. It is usually caused by improper brushing, which leads to the accumulation of plaque, which is loaded with bacteria that infect the gums.
Other reasons for developing gum disease include smoking, stress, autoimmune problems, heart ailments, diabetes, unhealthy eating habits and genetic influence.
An important thing to understand is that gum disease should be detected early. Otherwise, the problem becomes more severe and can reach the stage of tooth loss due to gum recession.
In addition, it has been determined through research that gum disease can affect the overall physical well-being of the person. Let us understand the common symptoms of this oral problem.
Gums can become sore when infected and can be swollen. It is easy to feel the inflammation with the touch of the tongue or looking at the gums in the mirror by lifting the lips.
Sometimes, there might not be any sensation, but the colour of the gums may change from pink to dark red or bright red. According to Hope Island dentist, one of the common symptoms of gum disease is bleeding during brushing or eating hard foods.
Other signs include prolonged bad breath, pain while chewing foods and the occurrence of pus in the gums that can be seen as a yellow bulge. In extreme cases, the infected gums start to pull away from the teeth and make them loose.
The treatment of gum disease depends on the stage of the ailment. Here are the procedures prescribed by dentists in Hope Island.
In the initial stage, it is known as gingivitis. During this phase, the gums become swollen and red and may bleed while brushing or flossing. However, the bone is not affected. It is possible to heal your gums at this stage.
Expert dentists in Hope Island will recommend regular dental cleaning and ask you to follow proper oral hygiene to keep the gums safe.
They also recommend using an electric toothbrush and flossing once daily to remove particles stuck between teeth and plaque. Also, they must cut down on smoking and tobacco consumption.
It is vital to avoid paying attention to myths about gum disease and get it treated immediately. Those suffering from mild gum disease need scaling and root planing to remove hardened plaque.
Scaling helps to deep clean teeth and remove tartar that cannot be eliminated with a toothbrush. The root planing procedure is carried out to smooth the root surface and prevent bacteria accumulation.
It requires the administration of local anaesthesia. If the infection is not healed completely with cleaning, your Hope Island dentist will prescribe antibiotic gels and mouthwash to heal quickly.
When the problem moves towards the advanced stage, it creates pockets between teeth and gums due to the accumulation of tartar. In this situation, the periodontist has to perform a pocket reduction surgery.
It involves making an incision in the gums and removing the bacteria, plaque and tartar. After smoothening out the surface, they stitch the gums back. If the problem has reached an advanced stage, bone loss is inevitable.
Thus, the periodontist will have to perform bone grafting. It requires replacing the lost bone with a dental bone graft.
In the advanced stage of periodontitis, people can lose the gum tissue. It requires a gum graft surgery to restore the gum line. Gum grafting is helpful in healing gums and making them look thick again through the addition of tissue.
The replacement tissue is usually acquired from the roof of the mouth or can be arranged from the Queensland tissue bank.
Gum disease can be prevented by brushing twice daily and flossing once to remove the stuck food particles between teeth. Many Hope Island dentists suggest using an antibacterial mouthwash and quitting smoking to keep their gums healthy.
Gum disease is a problem that can aggravate and lead to damaging consequences. It is essential to visit your dentist regularly to get the mouth examined and detect any problems at an early stage when they can be cured. If left untreated, healing can become challenging.