an old woman is showing her teeth
How Ageing Affects Dental Health

Teeth are the most defining feature of our personality as they create a beautiful smile. As we grow old, our teeth undergo changes that are not in our control. However, with proper oral hygiene, we can make sure that we do not lose those pearly whites before time.

In fact, well-maintained teeth can be preserved throughout the lifetime of an adult. Wear and tear are a part of ageing, but their impact can be restricted, according to dentists in Hope Island. Here is how the role of age affects our teeth and how it can be diminished.

Impact of Age on Teeth

With age, our body undergoes several alterations that have a considerable effect on oral health. These include a reduced rate of cell rejuvenation, less elastic and thinner tissues, a lower bone density and low immunity.

All of these can play a part in tooth ailments if basic hygiene is not maintained. In addition, the nerves in the teeth tend to become smaller with age, which increases the chances of cavities and decay.

Thus, regular check-ups at an established dental clinic are a must to keep oral problems at bay. Here are some common tooth problems that appear with age.

  • Discolouration

The tooth enamel wears off as we grow old and brings out the dentin, which is yellow in colour. Thus, older people are unable to keep their teeth shining bright despite using the best oral products.

  • Recession of Gums

Ageing leads to loss of bone and muscle and it affects the gums too. When the muscles in the jaw become loose, gums start receding. In some cases, it can cause loosening of teeth and even falling out.

  • Wear and Tear

Years of chewing, consuming coffee and tea and grinding of teeth can have a negative impact on teeth. It causes normal wear and tear and flattens the teeth.

  • Prolonged Medication

Many people who are above 45 years have to take lifelong medicines for controlling high blood pressure or sugar levels. These medicines can cause drying of the mouth, which lead to cavities because saliva is helpful in keeping the bacteria under check.

  • Tooth Sensitivity

Teeth can become sensitive over time and make your teeth hurt when you consume cold or hot drinks or foods. It is usually caused by the erosion of the enamel or due to gum problems.

Taking Care of Your Teeth

To reduce the impact of age on teeth, you must protect them with the help of the following steps.

  • Brush and Floss Regularly

It is a known fact that you should brush your teeth twice every day and floss once a day. It is the bare minimum you can do to keep the bacteria build-up away and stop plaque from ruining your teeth and gums. Aged people can also switch to an electronic toothbrush that will help them to clean their teeth thoroughly without tiring their arms.

  • Clean the Dentures

Many aged people wear dentures and must clean them daily like natural teeth. Whether it is a partial or a full denture, it must be removed for at least four hours every day. Usually, people remove them at night, which is the best way to keep your mouth healthy.

  • Caring for Elderly or Disabled Family Members

If there are aged or disabled people in the family who are not in the condition to brush on their own, make sure that you help them with the maintenance of oral hygiene. If they are able to do it on their own, remind them every morning and night to do it properly.

  •  Maintain A Healthy Intake

Unhealthy eating habits are detrimental to oral health. Also, aged people are at higher risk of diabetes and high blood pressure. Thus, they should avoid eating high sugar foods, sticky candies and sweets that can damage their teeth.

Hard foods are again not recommended as they can cause chipping. You also need to stay away from acidic foods and drinks, such as citric fruits, fizzy drinks and packed juices that produce acids in the mouth and erode the tooth enamel.

  • Drink Tap Water

Whether you are young or old, drinking tap water is essential to avoid tooth ailments. Tap water is fluoridated in Australia and helps in reducing the risk of tooth decay in children and adults. It is safe and is proven to keep teeth healthy. Thus, drink lots of water as it helps in reducing the impact of dry mouth due to medications.

  • Stop Smoking

Tobacco can increase the risk of cancer in adults as it can affect the lungs, throat, mouth, and lips. It is advisable to quit smoking and reduce the consumption of alcohol to keep these life-threatening ailments away. Also, use a lip balm with sunscreen when you go out to save your lips from skin cancer or sun damage due to the UV rays.

  • Visit Your Dentist

Do not wait for a toothache or bleeding gums to visit a dentist. Make it a part of your routine life and get your teeth examined every six months so that the practitioner can identify problems at an early stage and nip them in the bud.


Oral health is dependent on the way we care for our teeth and gums. Thus, pay attention to the advice of dentists in Hope Island and stay fit so that ageing does not interfere with the health of your mouth.