an old women is smiling
How Does Diabetes Affect Your Teeth?

Diabetes is the rise of sugar level in the body, which is a result of the decline in insulin production by the pancreas. It could also occur if the body becomes resistant to insulin.

In Australia, there were 1.2 diabetic people in 2017-18, and the disease caused 11% of the deaths in 2018. These figures suggest that diabetes is quite prevalent, and the illness is leading to several other health issues, including dental problems.

According to dentists in Hope Island, people who do not keep their blood sugar levels under check are at a greater risk of tooth decay. Many people who are unaware of being diabetic end up damaging their teeth because of the lack of treatment. Here is a brief description of how the illness can affect the health of your mouth.

Why Is Diabetes Bad for Your Teeth?

Typically, there are innumerable bacteria present inside the mouth of a person. If these germs make a place for themselves in the gums, then you are at the risk of developing periodontal disease.

It causes inflammation of the gums and eventually damages them along with the tissues and bones present in the jaw. Also, diabetes leads to drying of the mouth, which increases the growth of bacteria and plaque.

It reduces the supply of blood to the gums, which causes infections of gums and bones that hold the tooth. The infections can also increase blood sugar levels and make it difficult for you to control them.

Thus, ensuring optimum oral health is necessary for people suffering from the problem. You can identify the signs of gum disease if you have diabetes and have been noticing swollen and bleeding gums.

Loose teeth, irregular biting while eating and constant bad breath are also indications of dental problems. Let us inform you about all the oral issues that can be associated with diabetes.

Dental Problems Related to Diabetes

It does not matter whether you have Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. The disease is capable of damaging your teeth in the following ways.

1. Periodontitis

As stated above, periodontal disease can become aggravated due to diabetes which makes your teeth loose and leads to their falling out. This usually happens when the high blood sugar levels reduce the ability of the mouth to restrict the infection.

When the infection increases, it makes controlling hypergly caemia challenging. Thus, it is essential to visit a dentist regularly and get your teeth cleaned and examined by the professional.

2. Cavities

It is a common tooth problem which often goes unnoticed until you start experiencing pain. A cavity is a sign of tooth decay which occurs when the bacteria present in the mouth interact with the sugar and starch produced by the food.

The interaction gives birth to a sticky film which is called plaque that covers your teeth. The acids present in plaque then damage the tooth enamel and dentin. A diabetic person has a higher amount of sugar and starch in his mouth, which increases the threat of cavities.

3. Gingivitis

The plaque build-up in the mouth needs to be cleaned with brushing and flossing. Since high blood sugar increases the production of plaque, it becomes challenging to remove all the accumulated calculus, which is nothing but hardened plaque. The presence of tartar or calculus around the base of the tooth leads to the inflammation of the gums, and they start bleeding often. Thus, resulting in gingivitis.

4. Dry Mouth

Hyperglycaemia can reduce the amount of saliva produced by your mouth. It can make your mouth dry, which means that the bacteria will not be washed out regularly and stay in the mouth for long. The lingering of food particles and germs in the mouth causes various tooth and gum problems.

5. Oral Thrush

Also known as oropharyngeal candidiasis, thrush is an oral problem that occurs due to the growth of a yeast-like fungus in the mouth. It leads to painful white and red patches inside the mouth, and the condition is associated with diabetes.

How to Take Care of Your Teeth?

If you have been diagnosed with hyperglycaemia, then you need to be extra careful about your oral health. Here is how you can prevent tooth problems.

  • Control Your Blood Sugar Levels

Whether you are facing dental problems or not, you must take all precautions to control diabetes. You must keep checking your blood sugar level regularly and exercise everyday to stay fit and active.

Take your medication without fail, and reduce starchy and sugary foods in your diet. Visit your doctor after every few months to ensure that you are making progress.

  • Maintain A Healthy Lifestyle

Diabetes can be kept in control with regular walking and exercising and eating the right diet. Maintaining a strict routine will help good oral health as well. So, make sure that you do not forget to follow this rule.

  • Maintain Proper Oral Hygiene

The golden rule of maintaining optimum dental health is to brush twice every day. However, you must make sure that the brush has soft bristles which do not hurt your gums and the toothpaste must contain fluoride. You should also floss once daily so that the food particles stuck between the teeth can be eliminated.

  • Explain Your Condition to Your Dentist

If you are diabetic, then you must ensure that your dentist knows about your condition. It will help him in his diagnosis and prescribing medicines. Also, do not miss your appointments with the dentist and visit them every six months for regular check-ups.

  • Keep Checking for Symptoms

Tooth decay and gum problems should not be ignored, and you should not wait until you start experiencing severe pain. Keep checking your gums for bleeding while brushing or sensitivity as well as your teeth for cavities.


It is not easy to cope with diabetes.You need to keep track of your blood sugar levels and eat selectively. It can have a significant impact on your teeth. Thus, make sure that you follow the advice of your dentists in Hope Island and stay fit and free from oral problems.