young man suffering from jaw pain
Jaw Pain: Common Causes And How To Treat It

Jaw pain is as discomforting as it sounds. The throbbing can move to the entire face, making speaking and eating difficult. It can be exasperating to deal with the issue because most people do not know the reason behind the pain. The aching could result from various dental problems and even serious health conditions like a heart attack. Identifying the cause of the pain is vital to start the treatment. However, a person experiencing jaw pain should not start panicking. They must get it diagnosed to get relief.

Jaw pain is quite common and feels like a stinging pain in the jaw or stiffness in the joints of the face close to the ears. These joints connect the lower jaw to the skull bone and are known as temporomandibular joints. They allow a person to chew food, move the jaw and speak freely. Usually, jaw pain that emanates from a heart attack will start spreading from the chest to the jaw. The person suffering from this type of jaw pain must be immediately taken for emergency treatment. Let us understand the causes of jaw pain and ways to treat them. These can help you become aware of the problem and take the right steps in times of need.

1. Teeth Grinding or Bruxism

Some people have the habit of clenching or grinding their teeth. This involuntary action usually occurs while sleeping or when the person is going through a stressful situation. It can damage teeth and cause jaw pain and headaches. In severe cases, it can make it challenging to open and close the mouth because of the pain.

Treatment: Bruxism can be related to stress and sleep disorders and is prevalent in children and adults. The most effective treatment recommended by dentists in Hope Island is the use of mouth guards to protect teeth from continuous grinding and clenching. If the problem is occurring due to misaligned teeth, the dentist will perform dental correction or prescribe clear aligners.

2. Injury, Fall or Accident

Individuals who meet with an accident, take a fall or get injured in a mishap or sporting event can suffer from jawbone injuries. These include a broken or a dislocated jaw. A fractured jaw can be identified by a swollen and painful face with immense pain while opening the mouth. A dislocated jaw becomes obvious because the ends of the jaw are dislodged from their position.

Treatment: Significant jawbone injuries require invasive surgeries to restore the jaw with plates and bars. A dislocated jaw can be repositioned by the dentist using pressure from his hands after he has numbed it. Other treatments include wiring teeth to the opposite jaw or using elastic bands to keep the teeth together.

3. Toothache Due to Abscess

Infection of the pulp due to cavities or broken teeth can cause a lot of pain in the tooth that reaches the jawbone. This is known as tooth abscess, wherein bacteria erodes the enamel and moves into the pulp or inner part of the tooth that contains vessels and nerves to create pus.

Treatment: Since dental abscess is a severe infection, it requires incision in the gum to remove the pus and the inner pulp is cleaned. The infection is removed from the tooth root and it is filled. The process is known as root canal and is done by a professional dentist in Hope Island.

4. Temporomandibular Joint Arthritis

Temporomandibular joint pain can occur due to arthritis. It is common in women in the 20- to 40-year-old age group and is identified by restricted jaw movement, discomfort when opening and closing the mouth, cracking noise from the jawbone, facial pain, etc.

Treatment: Arthritis pain can be reduced by mild facial exercises prescribed by the dentist to strengthen jaw muscles and over-the-counter medicines for anti-inflammation. The dentist may also recommend a soft diet to prevent an increase in pain while chewing.

5. Sinus Problems

Sinusitis is a common problem that occurs when the sinuses present in the cheekbones become swollen and inflamed due to a viral infection. Besides nasal congestion and flu symptoms, it can cause facial and jaw pain because of the pressure created by the presence of excess mucus.

Treatment: Sinus problems can be treated with the help of over-the-counter cold and cough medicines and nasal saline rinses. If the problem persists, the practitioner may prescribe antibiotics to end the infection.

6. Periodontal Disease

Gum disease is also known as periodontal disease which impacts the tissues surrounding teeth. It causes gum bleeding, swelling, redness and in severe cases gum recession and loose teeth.

Treatment: In its initial stage, periodontal disease is known as gingivitis and can be treated with dental cleaning and root planing. However, it may require a pocket reduction or bone grafting surgery, which must be performed by an experienced Hope Island dentist.

Wrapping Up

Jawbone pain is not just caused by tooth-related problems. There can be various reasons behind it. Individuals facing jaw pain must know about the common causes of this type of discomfort and how it can be treated.