a young girl is brushing teeth
When Is the Right Time to Replace Your Toothbrush?

Toothbrushes are the most significant part of your toiletries as you cannot begin your day without them. Whether we are travelling or spending time at home, no day goes without brushing. Consequently, they go through wear and tear and need to be replaced often.

However, many people are not aware of the right time to purchase a new toothbrush. All dentists in Hope Island recommend changing an old toothbrush every three months because they become a breeding ground for bacteria after prolonged use.

Thus, it is vital to know the timing of replacing your toothbrush as sometimes you may have to get a new one even before 12 weeks of usage. Here is how you can make the decision.

When Is the Right Time to Replace Your Toothbrush?

Toothbrushes become worn and frayed through regular use if you follow the golden rule of brushing your teeth twice a day. It is highly recommended to avoid missing the oral hygiene routine to keep your teeth and mouth healthy.

If you maintain this pace of dental cleanliness, you must replace your toothbrush every three or four months at maximum. Delaying means that you will be using a brush with frayed bristles that will not be able to remove the food particles and plaque from the gaps efficiently. Thus, it can lead to cavities and dental ailments.

For kid’s toothbrushes, you must follow the same 12-week gap. However, many children have the habit of brushing vigorously or chewing the bristles while cleaning their teeth. Thus, you must keep checking them for damage and replace them whenever you notice twisted or mangled bristles.

When Should You Replace an Electric Toothbrush Head?

An electric toothbrush head has smaller bristles that rotate fast while brushing so it can become frayed quickly. The nylon bristles on the head must be changed after 12 weeks or before at all costs.

Whenever you spot signs of wear and tear, you must consider a replacement. Aggressive brushing can lead to worn bristles, so be gentle while brushing as it can hurt your gums.

Other Reasons That Indicate Replacement

Here are a few more reasons that suggest that you need a new toothbrush.

  • Recovering from A Disease

When you fall sick due to a viral or bacterial infection, there are many germs present in your mouth that have the capability of getting stuck to the toothbrush. These can make you sick once again if you use the same brush after recovering. Thus, get a new toothbrush whenever you have a throat infection, viral fever, or are fighting the flu, etc.

  • Covering the Brush Head with Enclosed Caps

Many people have the habit of using toothbrush covers to keep them clean. However, it makes them susceptible to bacterial infestation. When you place the wet brush head in an enclosed cap, the moisture leads to the breeding of bacteria, which is not good news for your teeth.

If you have to use a container because you are travelling, you must replace it as soon as you reach back home. The toothbrush must be kept uncovered in an upright position after brushing to let it dry. It is a good idea to allow it to dry away from the contaminated air in the bathroom. Also, the bristles of other toothbrushes in the holder should not touch each other.

  • Dropping the Toothbrush on the Bathroom Floor

If you have dropped your toothbrush on the floor, you need to replace it immediately. The floor is the dirtiest surface in the bathroom because the toilet germs fall all over it at the time of flushing.

Thus, even if your toothbrush touched the ground for just a split second before you scooped it up, the bacteria must have latched onto the bristles. The germs may not leave the brush even after washing it under tap water. So, if you drop it, then it is time to visit the supermarket.

  • Someone Used Your Toothbrush

If one of your family members used your toothbrush by mistake because of a similar colour or because they were in a hurry to get ready, you must replace it. You must never share your toothbrush as it can lead to oral infection if the other person is suffering from a dental ailment.

Although toothbrush germs do not cause ailments because the digestive enzymes and the defence mechanism of the body protect us, you must maintain basic hygiene to keep your mouth bacteria-free.

  • If You Have a Weak Immune System

People who fall sick easily because of low immunity or have other systemic diseases that make them vulnerable to infections should take extra care of their toothbrushes. They should clean the toothbrush before every use and replace it more frequently than waiting for 12 weeks.

Do not use mouthwash or a dishwasher or microwave to sanitise it. Rinse it under tap water and let it air dry. Also, make sure that you wash your hands properly before brushing to keep bacterial infections at bay.


The toothbrush is a quintessential cleaning tool that should not be compromised as it affects the standard of cleaning. According to dentists in Hope Island, you must replace it often to maintain optimum oral hygiene.