Jul 02, 2024
Contrary to popular belief, wisdom teeth do not induce intelligence with their eruption. These back teeth emerge in the late teenage years or early twenties and complete the set of 32 permanent teeth in adults. Since they erupt at the time of adulthood, they are known as wisdom teeth. Usually, they comprise two molars in the upper jaw and two in the lower jaw. However, the number can be higher or lower in individuals. In some cases, there may be no wisdom teeth.
When fully grown and properly aligned, wisdom teeth do not create problems. These third molars are used for grinding hard foods to aid in easy digestion. With eating habits changing through the ages, raw and rough food items have been replaced with soft and cooked meals. Thus, wisdom teeth have become redundant and are considered vestigial. They often have to be removed. Let us help you understand wisdom teeth and the need to remove them. This information will help you determine whether you need to get your wisdom teeth removed or not.
Wisdom teeth are positioned at the rear end of the mouth and are similar to molars. They can erupt between the ages of 17 and 25. The emergence of wisdom teeth is accompanied by pain in the jaw and inflammation of the gums. The eruption can be noticed by white spots in the gums behind the second molars. These spots are the heads of wisdom teeth cutting through the gums. More than 50% of individuals have at least one wisdom tooth.
However, in most cases, wisdom teeth do not erupt completely or in the right position. These impacted teeth lead to dental problems like cavities, gum disease, tooth pain, infection, affecting neighbouring teeth, and even tumours. Thus, reliable dentists in Hope Island suggest removing impacted wisdom teeth at an early stage to avoid problems later. They can be removed at any age since they are considered unnecessary. If they are properly aligned and completely grown, removal is unnecessary
When wisdom teeth are crooked and push against other teeth during eruption, they can lead to pain and infection. Since they are mostly not completely erupted and located at the far end, it becomes challenging to brush them effectively. Improper brushing leads to bacteria build-up and accumulation of food debris, which results in cavities. A decaying wisdom tooth can also infect the surrounding teeth. In some cases, crooked wisdom teeth can rub against the inner walls of cheeks and cause mouth ulcers.
An expert dentist in Hope Island can treat infection due to wisdom teeth by cleaning the area and prescribing antibiotics. However, the infection can reoccur because of impacted wisdom teeth, and thus, they may have to be removed. Extracting the tooth in younger adults is easy since the roots are not fully developed and the bone density is low. Removing the wisdom tooth in middle age can be complicated and lead to more pain.
Oral surgeons use dental X-rays to evaluate whether the wisdom teeth will cause problems in the future. If they need to be removed, your dentist in Hope Island will administer a local anaesthetic to numb the area and extract the tooth. The gap created by the extraction is stitched to seal the wound. If the wisdom tooth is impacted and partially erupted, extraction can be complex and requires the administration of general anaesthesia.
Impacted wisdom tooth extraction requires creating an incision in the gums and removing the bone over the tooth. In this procedure, the tooth is removed in parts rather than the entire tooth being extracted at once, which helps to reduce the amount of bone that needs to be removed during the surgery.
Wisdom tooth extraction requires extra care for the first 24 hours. The bleeding must be controlled with the help of moist gauze placed over the socket and kept in place by biting on it. Your Hope Island dentist will prescribe medicines to keep the pain under control and antibiotics to prevent infection. The swelling of the face can be reduced with the help of a cold compress, and the person should not rinse, suck or spit for 24 hours. They must consume a cold liquid diet and can start brushing their nearby teeth after 24 hours.
It is vital to continue doing warm salt water rinses 4-5 times daily and monitoring the socket to detect the signs of dry socket condition. This prevents the socket from healing and leads to a bad smell from the treated area. To avoid this problem, you must follow the after-care instructions of the practitioner and avoid smoking or drinking alcohol.
Wisdom teeth are molars that appear late and can create problems that can be hard to bear. If you neglect the impartial eruptions, you may have to suffer serious repercussions later. Thus, it is crucial to get the wisdom teeth examined by the dentist when they emerge from the gums.