a young girl is focusing on her oral health
The Connection Between Oral Health and Overall Health

When questioned about the status of their health, most people think about ideal body weight and vital statistics. They consider proper functioning of the cardiovascular, nervous and digestive systems to be the final parameters for a healthy body.

It is common to ignore dental health because teeth and gums are hidden inside the mouth. However, oral well-being is of utmost significance because untreated dental problems can affect other body functions.

The mouth is the cavity that is used for the consumption of energy-giving foods and water. It must be in hygienic condition to prevent bacterial infections that can spread and create havoc in the body.

Here is everything you need to know about the connection between oral health and overall health. It will help you pay more attention to your dental health and hygiene to maintain a perfect body.

How is Oral Health Linked to General Health?

Our mouths are filled with millions of harmless bacteria. However, if we do not maintain optimum oral hygiene, these bacteria can multiply and accumulate in the mouth to give rise to diseases. Daily brushing and flushing contain the volume of bacteria within the healthy levels and keep infections of teeth and gums at bay.

The unchecked growth of harmful bacteria in the mouth can reach the bloodstream and affect other body parts. Poor oral health causes cavities and tooth decay. It also infects the gums and leads to gingivitis and periodontitis. Thus, if you neglect oral health, you can become afflicted with the below-mentioned ailments.

  • Cardiovascular Disease and Gum Problems

Gum disease can lead to significant consequences. Although research is still underway on the connection between cardiovascular problems and periodontitis, it is considered one of the reasons for heart ailments and blocked arteries.

According to expert dentist Hope Island, the inflammation of gums is often neglected and affects the overall health.

The bacteria present in the mouth enter the bloodstream and cause heart troubles in people suffering from vascular diseases. It is also known to lead to endocarditis, which is the inflammation of the lining of the heart valves and chambers.

  • Diabetes and Periodontitis

It is commonly known that diabetes increases the risk of mouth problems like cavities and gum disease because high blood sugar increases the level of glucose in saliva.

Also, the medicines for diabetes cause dry mouth, which causes bad breath. However, very few people know that periodontal disease can interfere with the body’s response to insulin and make controlling sugar levels challenging. It can make the condition worse.

  • Pneumonia Caused by Bacteria

Cavities are caused by bacteria in the mouth. When the volume of the harmful bacteria rises, they can get inhaled into the lungs and get stuck. It causes pneumonia, which is common among seniors who cannot maintain a healthy mouth due to old age.

Therefore, older adults must visit their dentists in Hope Island often to get their teeth cleaned meticulously and identify problems early to get rid of them.

  • Pregnancy Issues Due to Gum Disease

Research suggests that pregnancy complications like preterm birth, miscarriage, stillbirth, or babies born with low birth weight can be linked to the mother suffering from gum disease.

Therefore, Hope Island dentists suggest expecting mothers to book dental appointments often and keep checking for symptoms of gum disease. Preventive dentistry can help to avoid these issues and ensure a healthy newborn.

  • Alzheimer’s and Oral Health

Alzheimer’s is a neurodegenerative disease that leads to memory loss and usually affects people who are 65 years or older. Dementia makes them dependent on others and restricts living an independent life.

Research has found that the bacteria present in the brain tissue of Alzheimer’s patients are the same as those found in the mouth during periodontitis. Thus, poor oral health can increase the risk of dementia in patients vulnerable to the disorder.

How to Maintain Optimum Oral Health?

Besides the ailments mentioned above, other health issues like osteoporosis and respiratory infections can be caused by gum and tooth problems. Thus, Hope Island dentists recommend brushing twice daily and flossing once to remove all the bacteria.

Rinsing the mouth with an antibacterial mouthwash also helps to wash away the harmful bacteria in the mouth. In addition, it is a good habit to replace your toothbrush every three months and get your teeth examined by a trusted practitioner every six months.

You can maintain good oral health by using a soft-bristled brush and fluoridated toothpaste. Also, stay away from tobacco products and reduce the intake of sticky, starchy and sugary foods. Maintaining a healthy diet plays a pivotal role in keeping the mouth and overall health in the best condition.

Wrapping Up

Tooth decay and gingivitis are silent problems that can grow into bigger issues if not detected and treated on time. It is vital to keep your mouth healthy because your overall health depends on it.

Various fatal diseases are linked to the bacteria in the mouth. Thus, maintain effective oral hygiene to stay healthy and fit.