woman showing up her teeth
What Is Dental Plaque, And How Can You Prevent It?

Dental problems usually start with the accumulation of plaque on teeth. It is a common occurrence and can become prominent because of poor oral hygiene. Most people can detect plaque easily, as it is a sticky film that covers the tooth’s surface and can be felt when the tongue is moved over the teeth. Plaque is yellowish in colour and soft to the touch. It stays over the teeth until they are brushed, flossed, or rinsed.

Dental plaque should be taken seriously because it can turn into painful and damaging problems like cavities and gum disease. Dentists in Hope Island caution their patients against the development of plaque and ignoring it. The plaque build-up poses a serious risk of complicated dental issues requiring invasive treatments. Therefore, everyone needs to understand dental plaque and ways to prevent it. The information below can help you prevent complications arising from plaque.

1. Understanding Dental Plaque

Dental plaque is a soft and sticky film composed of bacteria, food particles, and saliva. If it is not removed from the teeth, it can cause tooth decay. It is a natural occurrence that becomes more pronounced due to the high consumption of sugary and starchy foods. It is created when the bacteria in the mouth consume sugars and carbohydrates from our food and produce an acidic film covering teeth.

Usually, it is colourless and not apparently visible, but it can be felt by moving the tongue over the teeth. When plaque remains on the teeth for a long time, it hardens and becomes impossible to remove with brushing. The hardened plaque is known as tartar, which can be removed by the dentist during teeth cleaning procedures.             

2. How Is Plaque Created?

Dental plaque is created by the presence of acids, bacteria, and food debris that stay in the mouth for a long time. People who skip brushing twice or consume foods and drinks with high sugar content are prone to developing plaque. It can also start accumulating in areas where the bristles of the toothbrush do not reach, such as the back teeth or the corners of incisors.

Visiting an experienced dentist in Hope Island regularly ensures plaque that has turned into tartar is removed and the risk of serious problems is eliminated. Dentists use a small mirror to diagnose tartar and have specialised cleaning treatments for its removal. 

3. Problems Caused by Plaque

Plaque becomes a problem when it goes undetected and turns into tartar. The acids produced by the bacteria in the tartar erode the tooth enamel, creating tiny holes on the surface of the teeth known as cavities. The holes allow the bacteria and acids to pass through into the inner layer of the teeth, where the nerves and blood vessels are located. The infection created by bacteria in the pulp of the tooth causes swelling and pain.

Plaque is also responsible for gingivitis, as the bacteria starts irritating the gums and causing inflammation and swelling. It leads to bleeding gums while brushing. If the infection encompasses both the gums and the bones that support teeth, it leads to gum disease. If not treated on time, it can cause gum recession and even loose teeth. In addition, plaque can also cause tooth abscess, a pocket of pus in the gums that can spread to the bone.       

4. Treatment for Dental Plaque

Dental plaque can be treated by dentists in Hope Island by removing build-up and tartar with dental tools used in regular cleaning. This non-invasive cleaning can be done in a few minutes without pain or discomfort. Individuals who are prone to plaque development may be treated by placing dental sealants over the surfaces of teeth to reduce the risk of cavities.

Practitioners also recommend fluoride treatments to restrict plaque build-up by diminishing its pace of growth. They can also prescribe fluoridated toothpaste and mouthwash that help reduce the presence of acids and bacteria in the mouth.         

5. How to Prevent Dental Plaque?

Maintaining optimum oral hygiene is one of the best ways to prevent dental plaque. It is essential to brush in the morning and at night after dinner to remove food debris and acids in the mouth. Flossing is also a must because brushing does not remove particles stuck between teeth or in the corners of molars. In addition, taking sugar-free chewing gums endorsed by the Australian Dental Association can help those who are unable to brush because of reasons like travelling or busy schedules.

It can be consumed after meals to reduce the risk of acid attack on the enamel. It is also recommended to consume a healthy and balanced diet that consists of fresh vegetables and crunchy fruits instead of junk food, sweetened beverages and sugary treats. Finally, visit your dentist in Hope Island every six months to get your teeth examined and treated for any issues.

Wrapping Up

Dental plaque may seem like a minor issue but it can quickly transform into a big problem if neglected. Everyone must be aware of the causes, symptom, treatment and preventive measures related to plaque to stay protected from its harmful effects.